Thanks to the XXI Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid's award, CONTRAPUNCTUSDANCEPORT was invited to give a workshop to the dancers of the company D.A.N.C.E. in Dresden, Germany.
Claudi Bombardó and Nora Sitges-Sardà worked for a week with the 15 dancers that take part of this European project.
Basing the process on the personal work of CONTRAPUNCTUS and through different composition tasks, a 12 minutes piece was created in which the dancers were able to experiment a new language, a new way to approach the physicality and group dynamics. At the same time, they were able to explore they own creative capacities through improvisation and an individual work to recreate, reconstruct and readapt the material that was proposed.
The result of this experience was very positive as well as the response of the dancers and the company's director himself.
(January, 2009)

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